GCN Circular 14648
GRB 130514A: Skynet/PROMPT/DSO Detections
2013-05-15T00:28:06Z (12 years ago)
Adam S. Trotter at UNC-Chapel Hill/PROMPT/Skynet <atrotter@physics.unc.edu>
A. Trotter, D. Reichart, J. Haislip, A. LaCluyze, A. Smith, D. Caton, L.
Hawkins, T. Berger, H. T. Cromartie, R. Egger, A. Foster, N. Frank, K.
Ivarsen, M. Maples, J. Moore, M. Nysewander, E. Speckhard, and J. A.
Crain report:
Skynet observed the Swift/XRT localization of GRB 130515A (Sonbas et
al., GCN 14632, Swift trigger #555821) with four 16" telescopes of the
PROMPT array at CTIO, Chile and with the 14" telescope at the
Appalachian State University Dark Sky Observatory (DSO) in Pisgah
National Forest, North Carolina, starting at 2013-05-14, 07:14:32 UT,
and continuing until 10:24 UT (t=51s-3.2h post-trigger). It took ~400
exposures, ranging from 5s at early times to 160s at late times,
simultaneously in each of the BVRI bands. We performed photometry on
each exposure, calibrated to seven USNO-B1/NOMAD stars in the field.
We detect a fading afterglow at t=2-12m in the I band in unstacked
images at the position reported by the GROND team (Schmidl, Kann &
Greiner, GCN 14640), with I~17.4 at t=2m, fading with an approximate
temporal index alpha~-1.2. In stacked images, we obtain weak detections
in R band at t=2.27m and 51m, and in V band at t=3.75m; both the R and
the V band detections are ~1mag fainter than the I band light curve. In
B band, we obtain three weak detections from t=5m to 15m, all ~0.6mag
fainter than the I band light curve.
A preliminary plot of our data is at:
No further Skynet observations are scheduled.