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GCN Circular 14671

GRB 130515A: IRSF NIR Observation
2013-05-17T08:07:22Z (12 years ago)
Daisuke Kuroda at OAO/NAOJ <>
Takahiro Nagayama (Nagoya Univ.) and Shogo Nishiyama (NAOJ)
on behalf of OISTER collaboration.

We observed the field of GRB 130515A (David Palmer, GCN Circular
14650) with the Infrared Survey Facility 1.4m telescope and
NIR camera SIRIUS (Nagayama et al., 2003) at Sutherland Observatory
in South Africa.

The observation was made with the JHKs bands simultaneously
from 2013-05-15 01:26 (UT), 5 minutes after the BAT trigger, to 04:41.

We have also detected the source detected by VLT (Dong Xu, GCN
Circular 14653) and  GROND (Sebastian Schmidl, GCN Circular 14650)
at RA=18:53:45.79, DEC=-54:16:47.1 (J2000). Preliminary photometry
results are as follows

All combined images
(Total exposure time: 154 min, 2013-05-15 01:26 - 04:41)
 J = 20.1 $B!^(B 0.2
 H = 18.6 $B!^(B 0.2
 Ks =18.7 $B!^(B 0.3

First 120 images
(Total exposure time: 60 min, 2013-05-15 01:26 - 2:45)
 J = 19.4 $B!^(B 0.2
 H = 18.9 $B!^(B 0.2
 Ks: Non detection

These magnitudes are in the Vega system and not corrected for
Galactic extinction in the direction of the GRB.
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