GCN Circular 14696
IPN Triangulation of GRB 130521B
2013-05-22T22:36:40Z (12 years ago)
Valentin Pal'shin at Ioffe Inst <val@mail.ioffe.ru>
K. Hurley, I. G. Mitrofanov, D. Golovin, M. L. Litvak, and A. B. Sanin,
on behalf of the HEND-Odyssey GRB team,
S. Golenetskii, R. Aptekar, E. Mazets, V. Pal'shin, D. Frederiks,
D. Svinkin, and T. Cline on behalf of the Konus-Wind team,
J. Goldsten, on behalf of the MESSENGER NS GRB team,
W. Boynton, C. Fellows, K. Harshman, H. Enos, and R. Starr, on
behalf of the GRS-Odyssey GRB team, and
K. Yamaoka, M. Ohno, Y. Hanabata, Y. Fukazawa, T. Takahashi, M. Tashiro,
Y. Terada, T. Murakami, and K. Makishima on behalf of the Suzaku WAM
team, report:
The long-duration, moderately intense GRB 130521B has been observed by
Konus-Wind, Suzaku (WAM), MESSENGER (GRNS), and Mars Odyssey (HEND), so
far, at about 77073 s UT (21:24:33).
We have triangulated it to a preliminary, 3 sigma error box whose
coordinates are:
RA(2000), deg Dec(2000), deg
281.641 (18h 46m 34s) +22.723 (+22d 43' 21")
281.980 (18h 47m 55s) +22.385 (+22d 23' 05")
281.618 (18h 46m 28s) +22.858 (+22d 51' 30")
281.300 (18h 45m 12s) +23.057 (+23d 03' 24")
281.663 (18h 46m 39s) +22.587 (+22d 35' 13")
The error box area is 257 sq. arcmin, and its maximum
dimension is 55 arcmin (the minimum one is 3.7 arcmin). The Sun distance
was 120 deg.
This box can be improved.
The time history and spectrum will be given in a forthcoming GCN Circular.