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GCN Circular 1476

GRB 020813 Afterglow Observations; Possible break
2002-08-13T13:34:58Z (23 years ago)
Josh Bloom at CIT <>
GRB 020813 Afterglow Observations; Possible break

J. S. Bloom (Harvard/CfA, Caltech), D. W. Fox (Caltech) and M. P. Hunt
(Caltech) report:

"Using the Palomar 200 inch + LFC, we observed the afterglow of GRB 020813
(GCN #1470) starting 06:49:50 August 13, 2000 UT, a little over four hours
after the GRB trigger (GCN #1471). From that time, until 08:41:03 UT,
preliminary photometry indicates that the OT faded by 0.30 +/- 0.02 mag in
R(Steidel) band. A power-law decline in flux between these epochs was thus
-0.75. Given the shallower decline reported from earlier epochs (-0.55,
GCN #1474; -0.6, GCN #1473), the OT may have undergone a temporal break.
We note that a break this early in the light curve is typical of high
fluence, high energy events such as GRB 020813."

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