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GCN Circular 14762

GRB 130604A: Gemini North Spectroscopy
2013-06-04T16:07:17Z (12 years ago)
S. Bradley Cenko at Caltech <>
S. B. Cenko (GSFC), N.R. Tanvir (Leicester)D. A Perley (Caltech), A. J. Levan (U. Warwick), and
A. Cucchiara (UCSC / Lick) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We have obtained optical spectra of the afterglow (Perley et al., GCN
14753) of GRB 130604A (Melandri et al., GCN 14752) with the Gemini
Multi-Object Spectrograph mounted on the 8 m Gemini North telescope.
Observations began at 8:16 UT on 2013 June 4 (~ 1.3 hr after the Swift
trigger) and cover the wavelength range from 4000 - 8000 A.

Superimposed on a faint continuum, we detect a single bright emission line
at an observed wavelength of ~ 7674.0 A.  There is some evidence the
emission line is spectrally resolved.  No other obvious features (in
emission or absorption) are detected over our wavelength range.  If we
assume this feature corresponds to [O II], this implies a redshift of z =
1.06 for GRB 130604A.

[GCN OPS NOTE(04Jun13): Per author's request, NRT was added to the author list.]
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