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GCN Circular 14998

GRB 130702A: P200 Spectroscopic Confirmation of Associated Supernova
2013-07-10T00:28:32Z (12 years ago)
S. Bradley Cenko at Caltech <>
S. B. Cenko (NASA/GSFC), A. Gal-Yam (Weizmann Institute), M. M. Kasliwal
(OCIW), D. Stern (JPL), K. Markey, E. Alduena, A. Alduena, and S. Kuo
(Walden) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We have obtained further spectroscopy of the optical afterglow (Singer et
al., GCN 14967) of the Fermi-GBM (Collazzi et al., GCN 14972), Fermi-LAT
(Cheung et al., GCN 14971), and IPN (Hurley et al., GCN 14974) GRB
130702A.  Observations were obtained with the Double Spectrograph mounted
on the 5 m Palomar Hale telescope beginning at 5:27 UT on 2013 July 8 (6.2
days after the Fermi GBM trigger) and cover the wavelength range from
3400-8900 A.  Compared with our previous optical spectra (Mulchaey et al.,
GCN 14985), the source shows a significantly redder continuum.  Similar to
Schulze et al. (GCN 14994), a number of broad features are detected that
are reminiscent of canonical GRB-associated supernovae such as SN 2006aj
and SN 1998bw.  A plot of our most recent spectrum, alongside comparable
epochs from SN 2006aj (Modjaz et al., ApJL, 2006, 645, 21) and SN 1998bw
(Patat et al., ApJ, 2001, 555, 900), both retrieved from the Weizmann
Interactive Supernova Data Repository (WISEREP; is available here:
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