GCN Circular 15029
GRB 130725B: Swift detection of a burst
2013-07-25T18:06:07Z (12 years ago)
Jamie A. Kennea at PSU/Swift-XRT <kennea@swift.psu.edu>
C. A. Swenson (PSU), M. M. Chester (PSU), D. Grupe (PSU),
J. A. Kennea (PSU), H. A. Krimm (CRESST/GSFC/USRA),
B. Sbarufatti (INAF-OAB/PSU), M. H. Siegel (PSU) and B.-B. Zhang (UAH)
report on behalf of the Swift Team:
At 17:39:38 UT, the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) triggered and
located GRB 130725B (trigger=564028). Swift slewed immediately to the burst.
The BAT on-board calculated location is
RA, Dec 214.232, -11.140 which is
RA(J2000) = 14h 16m 56s
Dec(J2000) = -11d 08' 24"
with an uncertainty of 3 arcmin (radius, 90% containment, including
systematic uncertainty). BAT light curve data are currently unavailable.
Using promptly downlinked data we find a bright, uncatalogued X-ray
source located at RA, Dec 214.24096, -11.12909 which is equivalent to:
RA(J2000) = 14h 16m 57.83s
Dec(J2000) = -11d 07' 44.7"
with an uncertainty of 4.4 arcseconds (radius, 90% containment). This
position may be improved as more data are received; the latest position
is available at http://www.swift.ac.uk/sper.
A power-law fit to a spectrum formed from promptly downlinked event
data gives a column density in excess of the Galactic value (5.15 x
10^20 cm^-2, Kalberla et al. 2005), with an excess column of 3.4
(+4.04/-3.23) x 10^21 cm^-2 (90% confidence).
UVOT data are unavailable at this time.
Burst Advocate for this burst is C. A. Swenson (cswenson AT astro.psu.edu).
Please contact the BA by email if you require additional information
regarding Swift followup of this burst. In extremely urgent cases, after
trying the Burst Advocate, you can contact the Swift PI by phone (see
Swift TOO web site for information: http://www.swift.psu.edu/too.html.)