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GCN Circular 1515

GRB 020812: early time optical observation at Ouda Station
2002-08-21T05:13:06Z (23 years ago)
Taichi Kato at Kyoto U <>
H. Ohashi, T. Kato, T. Senda, H. Mii, K. Mizuno, Y. Yasaka (Kyoto U)
and H. Yamaoka (Kyushu U) report on behalf of VSNET-grb collaboration:

  "We have performed a full analysis of the R band images of GRB 020812
field taken at Ouda (GCN 1469).  Three fields of view (14 arcminutes
square) were observed, each of which covered a part of HETE WXM error
box (GCN 1468) (
The limiting magnitudes are measured by compareing with USNO-A2.0 red
magnitudes.  "Coverage" shows the percentage of covered area of the
HETE WXM error box.

FOV	   1		   2		   3
center	 20:38:28.8	20:38:21.0	20:38:53.3	R.A.
(J2000) -05:17:58	-05:17:24	-05:23:45	Dec.
epoch	 11:08-12:03	12:05-13:27	13:34-16:59	Aug. 12 UT + 
exp.	 38		73		156		minutes
lim.mag  18.9		20.2		21.2		in R
coverage 48%		30%		58%		
remark	 twilight

  By the comparison with DSS 2 red image, no new source brighter than
the limit of DSS 2 is detected.

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