GCN Circular 15318
GRB 131004A: Correction to XRT refined analysis
2013-10-07T07:09:57Z (11 years ago)
Phil Evans at U of Leicester <pae9@leicester.ac.uk>
P.A. Evans (U. Leicester) reports on behalf of the Swift-XRT team,
There was a mistake in the "Swift-XRT refined analysis" circular (GCN
Circ. 15311) in which it was erroneously stated that the light curve was
consistent with a constant source. In fact, the light curve is decaying
as a power-law with an index of 1.01 (+/- 0.07). We apologise for any
confusion caused. As ever, the full light curve and related GRB products
are online at http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_products/00573190
This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.