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GCN Circular 1533

XRF 020903: Optical observations
2002-09-04T14:55:51Z (22 years ago)
Paul Price at RSAA, ANU <>
P.A. Price, B.P. Schmidt (RSAA, ANU) and T.S. Axelrod (Arizona) report:

We have observed the error-circle of XRF 020903 (Ricker et al. GCN #1530)
with the robotic 50-inch telescope at Mount Stromlo Observatory beginning 
at Sep 4.42 UT.  Observations consisted of 3x300 sec exposures in R_MACHO
and cover the entire error circle to a limiting magnitude of approximately
R ~ 19.8 mag.  We do not identify any source in our images not present on
the DSS2 upon visual inspection.  Further observations are planned.

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