GCN Circular 15630
GRB 131229A: Deep Gemini-South Imaging
2013-12-29T10:22:22Z (11 years ago)
Daniel Perley at Caltech <dperley@astro.caltech.edu>
D. A. Perley (Caltech), A. Cucchiara (NASA/GSFC), and N. R. Tanvir (U.
Leicester) report:
We imaged the position of GRB 131229A (Page et al., GCN 15627) using
GMOS-S on the Gemini-South 8m telescope in i- an z-bands starting at
07:33:07.5 UT (54 minutes after the GRB). A total of 6 x 180s of
imaging was acquired in each filter.
Sources detected in the reduced stack inside or close to the (onboard,
5" radius) XRT error circle (with J2000 positions) include:
A (05:40:55.85, -04:23:40.6), a point source north of the error circle
B (05:40:55.70, -04:23:43.4), an extended source
C (05:40:55.92, -04:23:45.9), a faint, marginally detected source
No statement about variability or association with the GRB can be made
at this time. All of these sources are fainter than the P60 and USNO
An image of the field is posted to: