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GCN Circular 1563

XRF020903: TNG and Asiago photometry
2002-10-03T08:43:21Z (22 years ago)
Stefano Covino at Brera Astronomical Observatory <>
Covino S., Malesani D., Ghisellini G., Stefanon M., Tavecchio F. (INAF-OAB), 
Covone G., Fugazza D. (INAF-TNG), Di Paola A., Israel G.L. (INAF-OAR), 
Mannucci F. (IRA-CNR), Masetti N. (IASF-CNR), Pian E. ((INAF-OAT), on behalf 
of a larger Italian collaboration, report:

We observed the varying source (VS) in the field of XRF 020903 (Ricker et al., 
GCN 1530; Soderberg et al., GCN 1554) on Oct 1.9 UT, with the Italian 3.5m 
TNG telescope, using BVRI filters. Seeing conditions were moderate (about 1.5 
arcsec) and airmass about 1.6. Magnitudes were derived by PSF fitting 
photometry. One standard star field was also observed under clear (but not 
photometric) conditions; therefore a small zeropoint offset is still 
possible. The magnitudes for the VS are the following:

Filter  UT     Magnitude
 B      1.941  21.87 +- 0.06
 V      1.932  21.14 +- 0.04
 R      1.916  20.60 +- 0.09
 I      1.919  20.29 +- 0.07

For comparison, we also report the magnitudes of some nearby USNO stars; 
U0675_37142330 is named "star 1" in Soderberg et al. finding chart.

U0675_37143953 U0675_37141960 U0675_37142330
B 18.54 +- 0.02  19.51 +- 0.02  17.14 +- 0.01
V 17.77 +- 0.01  19.02 +- 0.01  16.40 +- 0.01
R 17.21 +- 0.04  18.63 +- 0.04  15.92 +- 0.03
I 16.81 +- 0.03  18.36 +- 0.03  15.58 +- 0.03

Based on the photometry performed at the TNG, we re-analyzed data obtained on 
Sep., 29.9 UT with the Asiago telescope (GCN 1561). Seeing conditions were 
mediocre (about 2 arcsec) and airmass about 2. Magnitudes were again derived 
by PSF fitting photometry. We report the following results for the VS:

Filter  UT      Magnitude
 V      29.923  20.94 +- 0.12
 R      29.931  20.42 +- 0.10
 I      29.937  19.98 +- 0.13

The source has simultaneously faded by about 0.2 mag in all V, R and I bands 
between Sep 29.9 and Oct 1.9. Comparing with the R-band measurement by 
Soderberg et al. on Sep 28.3, the source appears fainter by more than 1 

A color-color diagram, together with a BVRI spectrum and a light curve are 
shown at the web page: .

The values reported here supersede those in our GCN 1561, that were based on a 
misidentification of the reference star. We apologize for any inconvenience 
this may have caused.

Detailed analsys of these data is still in progress, and more observations 
will be performed in the next few days.

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