GCN Circular 1566
GRB 021004: Kyoto observation
2002-10-04T16:00:08Z (22 years ago)
Hitoshi Yamaoka at Kyushu U., VSNET-GRB collab. <yamaoka@rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp>
M. Uemura, R. Ishioka, T. Kato (Kyoto U.) and H. Yamaoka (Kyushu U.)
report on behalf of VSNET-GRB collaboration:
We are observing the WXM error box of GRB 021004 (GCN 1565) from
Oct. 4 12:41 UT with 0.30-m telescope (+unfiltered CCD) at Kyoto
University. First 30sec * 52 exposure were obtained until 13:16 UT.
An inspection of a integrated image reveal the optical afterglow
candidate (Fox et al., GCN 1564) at R mag about 16.3, which confirms
further rapid decline of this object. The observation and analysis
are in progress.
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