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GCN Circular 15677

GRB 140102A, Optical Observations
2014-01-04T12:02:35Z (11 years ago)
Shashi Bhushan Pandey at ROTSE <>
S.B. Pandey, Brajesh Kumar and Parveen Kumar (ARIES Nainital India, on
behalf of larger Indian GRB collaboration)

We observed GRB 140102A (Swift trigger 582760, Hagen et al. 2014,
GCNC 15653) field with the 1.3m telescope at ARIES, Nainital starting
~ 1.5 hours after the burst. Several frames in V,R_c and I_c pass-bands
were obtained in clear sky conditions.

The candidate optical afterglow (Hagen et al. 2014, GCNC 15653; Xu et al.
2014, GCNC 15655) was clearly seen in our frames. The
photometry of the first R_c frame yields afterglow brightness to be ~ 19

The nearby USNO stars have been used for calibrate.

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