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GCN Circular 15698

New Fermi-LAT GRB Table
2014-01-07T22:40:47Z (11 years ago)
Daniel Kocevski at SLAC <>
Daniel Kocevski (NASA/GSFC) and Giacomo Vianello (Stanford Univ.) report on behalf of the Fermi-LAT team:

The Fermi-LAT collaboration would like to announce a new publicly available table hosted at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center that summarizes Fermi observations of LAT detected GRBs. This table will feature preliminary LAT analysis, including pointing information, detection significance, and best known localization.  The results presented in the table will be updated via the LAT burst advocates and should be available within 8-12 hours of the burst trigger, depending on the availability of the data.

Please note that the results presented on the public Fermi-LAT GRB table are intended to be a quicklook guide to summarize LAT detections of GRBs which triggered Fermi-GBM, Swift, or other spacecrafts. The results presented in the table should therefore be considered preliminary and are superseded by results presented in any past or future Fermi-LAT collaboration publications and catalogs.

The public Fermi-LAT GRB table can be found here:

The NASA point of contact for the table is Daniel Kocevski (daniel.kocevski at
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