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GCN Circular 1577

GRB 021004, SPM optical observations
2002-10-05T11:03:32Z (22 years ago)
Sergej Zharikov at OAN IA UNAM <>
S. Zharikov, R. Vazquez, G. Benitez (OAN IA UNAM, Mexico), S. del Rio
(INAOE, Mexico) report: We have observed the optical afterglow of
GRB021004 (HETE Trigger 2380) as reported by Fox et al. (GCN 1564) with
the 84-cm and 1.5m telescopes of SPM observatory in Mexico between
05:20:00 UT and 09:50 UT on Oct. 5 2002. Using the R-band photometric
zero-point USNO star at RA=00:26:58.713, DEC=+18:56:56.61 (GCN #1564)
R=15.64 from Weidinger et. al. (GCN 1573), we find preliminary object
     UT       R
   05:28:19 19.23
   06:47:00 19.29
   07:02:00 19.33
   09:42:24 19.35
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