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GCN Circular 15874

GRB 140221A: Results from Swift XRT tiled observations
2014-02-21T20:49:23Z (11 years ago)
Michael Stroh at PSU/Swift <>
M.C. Stroh (PSU), J. Kennea (PSU), D. Burrows (PSU), K. Page (U. Leicester) and P. A. Evans (U. Leicester) report on behalf of the Swift Team:

Swift-XRT has observed the error circle of the MAXI GRB 140221A in a
series of observations tiled on the sky. The total exposure time is 4.9
ks spread over 7 fields; the maximum exposure within the sky observed
was 1.4 ks. The observations started 10.9 ks after the MAXI trigger.
Within these data there are 2 objects detected, both of which are catalogued in

Source 1: 
Catalogued source: 1SXPS J071032.3-171853
RA:  107.63465 = 07h 10m 32.32s (J2000)
Dec:  -17.31486 = -17d 18' 53.5" (J2000)
Err: 10.0 arcsec (radius, 90% confidence)
This is an enhanced position, determined by using UVOT field stars to
determine the astrometry.Exposure time: 536 s
Online products:

Source 2:
Catalogued source: 1SXPS J071108.3-171031
RA:  107.78605 = 07h 11m 8.65s (J2000)
Dec:  -17.17431 = -17d 10' 27.5" (J2000)
Err: 10.0 arcsec (radius, 90% confidence)
Exposure time: 817 s
Online products:

This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.
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