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GCN Circular 16163

GRB 140423A: Kanata/HONIR Optical and NIR Observations
2014-04-24T08:15:36Z (10 years ago)
Michitoshi Yoshida at HASC,Hiroshima U <>
Hiroshi Akitaya, Yuki Moritani, Takahiro Ui, Yuka Kanda, and Michitoshi
Yoshida (Hiroshima Univ.) on behalf of the OISTER collaboration:

We observed the field of GRB140423A (Sonbas et al., GCNC 16142) with
the optical and near-infrared simultaneous imager HONIR (Sakimoto et
al. 2012, Proc.SPIE 8446, 844673) attached to the 1.5-m Kanata
Telescope at Higashi-hiroshima Observatory, Japan.

We detected the afterglow at R_C and J bands at 2014-04-23 10:46 UT
(~2.2 hours after the burst). Photometric results are as follows.

MID-UT           Total exp[sec]  Band  Mag     Mag_err
2014-04-23 10:46      720        Rc    19.4    0.3
2014-04-23 10:46      792        J     17.3    0.2
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