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GCN Circular 16252

GRB 140428A: GROND afterglow confirmation
2014-05-12T21:05:18Z (11 years ago)
Karla Varela at MPE <>
K. Varela, C. Delvaux, and J. Greiner (all MPE Garching) report on behalf of
the GROND team:

We re-observed the field of GRB 140428A (Swift trigger 597519; Kocevski et
GCN #16177) simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK with GROND (Greiner et al. 2008,
PASP 120, 405) mounted at the 2.2 m MPG telescope at La Silla Observatory

A second epoch obtained on May 6th at 02:01 UT, about 7 days after the
shows that the source reported by Knust et al. (GCN # 16191) has clearly
We find z' > 23.3, suggesting that the source has faded by at least 1.9 mag,
and confirming that this was the afterglow of GRB 140428A.
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