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GCN Circular 16625

IPN Triangulation of GRB 140723A
2014-07-23T18:20:26Z (11 years ago)
Dmitry Svinkin at Ioffe Institute <>
K. Hurley and J. Goldsten, on behalf of the MESSENGER NS GRB team,

S. Golenetskii, R. Aptekar, V. Pal'shin, D. Frederiks, D. Svinkin, and 
T. Cline on behalf of the Konus-Wind team,

A. von Kienlin, X. Zhang, A. Rau, V. Savchenko, E. Bozzo, and C. 
Ferrigno, on behalf of the INTEGRAL SPI-ACS GRB team, and

V. Connaughton, M. S. Briggs, C. Meegan, V. Pelassa, and A. Goldstein, 
on behalf of the Fermi GBM team, report:

The long-duration GRB 140723A (Bissaldi et al., GCN Circ. 16623) has 
been observed by Konus-Wind, Fermi(GBM trigger 427772193), MESSENGER 
(GRNS), and INTEGRAL (SPI-ACS), so far, at about 5791 s UT (01:36:31).

We have triangulated it to a GBM-MESSENGER annulus centered at 
RA(2000)=284.016 deg (18h 56m 04s) Dec(2000)=-22.344 deg (-22d 20' 38"), 
whose radius is 72.790 + / - 0.166 deg (3 sigma).

The LAT error circle (that is RA, Dec, RErr = 210.63, -3.73, 0.35), 
whose area is 0.4 sq. deg, is mainly outside the annulus. The distance 
between the annulus center line and the center of the LAT position is 
0.43 deg.

This localization may be improved.

A triangulation map is posted at
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