GCN Circular 16627
GRB 140723A: LCO-Sutherland optical candidate
2014-07-23T22:44:56Z (11 years ago)
Simone Dichiara at Ferrara U/Italy <dichiara@fe.infn.it>
C. Guidorzi, S. Dichiara (U. Ferrara), C.G. Mundell (LJMU)
on behalf of a large collaboration report:
We observed Fermi GRB 140723A (Bissaldi et al. GCN Circ 16623;
Burns et al. GCN Circ. 16626) with one of the Las Cumbres
Observatory 1-m telescopes in Sutherland (South Africa) on
July 23 at 16:51:02 UT, i.e. ~15.2 hours after the GBM trigger,
with the r' and i' filters.
From initial quick-look images, we identify an possible
uncatalogued object within the LAT error circle at the
following position:
RA(J2000) = 14:02:30.25
Dec(J2000)= -03:40:21.0
with an uncertainty of 2" and R~17 mag, calibrated against
nearby USNOB1 stars.