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GCN Circular 1664

IPN triangulation of a burst from SGR1900+14 on October 29 2002
2002-10-31T01:26:12Z (22 years ago)
Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL <>
K. Hurley and T. Cline, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, and

D. M. Smith, R. P. Lin, J. McTiernan, R. Schwartz, C. Wigger, W.
Hajdas, and A. Zehnder, on behalf of the RHESSI GRB team, report:

Ulysses and RHESSI observed this burst at 54965 s.  As observed
by Ulysses, it had a duration ~0.064 s, a 25-100 keV fluence of
~1.7E-6 erg/cm2, and a peak flux over 0.032 s of ~6.9E-6 erg/cm2 s.
We have triangulated it to a preliminary annulus centered at
RA, Decl(2000)=359.228, -35.522 degrees, whose radius is 81.458 +/- 0.010
degrees (3 sigma).  As the center line of this annulus passes
within 0.003 degrees of SGR1900+14, we conclude that this burst
originated from that source.

Previous bursts from SGR1900+14 were observed on October 10
and October 22 2002 (GCN 1643, 1655).  The source is evidently
in an active phase.
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