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GCN Circular 1668

GRB021104: possible optical afterglow
2002-11-04T11:00:27Z (22 years ago)
Weidong Li at UC Berkeley KAIT/LOSS <>
Weidong Li, R. Chornock, S. Jha, and A. V. Filippenko (UCB) report:

"We have observed the localization of GRB021104 (HETE Trigger #2434)
with the Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT) for several 
images (with exposure time 20s to 300s unfiltered) starting at
3 Nov 2002 09:47 UT, about 167 minutes after the trigger. Inspection
of the images reveals a new object that is not present in DSS II red
image of the region. The coordinates of the object are:

	RA 03:53:47.89 +37:54:28.2 (J2000)

The magnitude of the object is about 19.9. We suggest that this object
is the possible afterglow of GRB020813."
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