GCN Circular 1673
SGR1900+14 activity, November 2-4, 2002
2002-11-04T21:50:47Z (22 years ago)
Evgeny Mazets at Ioffe Physico Technical Inst <mazets@pop.ioffe.rssi.ru>
E. Mazets, S. Golenetskii, R. Aptekar, D. Frederiks and V. Palshin
on behalf of the Konus-Wind and Helicon-Coronas-F GRB teams, and
T. Cline, on behalf of the Konus GRB teams,
K. Hurley and T. Cline, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, report:
Recently, increasing of SGR 1900+14 activity was detected
by Ulysses, Konus-Wind, Helicon-Coronas-F (GCNs 1643, 1655, 1665).
In the begining of November, Konus-Wind, and Helicon observed
a number of SGR-like trigger bursts:
data time
1 021102 15415 s UT (Konus-Wind)
2 021102 18298 s UT (Helicon)
3 021102 23998 s UT (Konus-Wind, Helicon)
4 021104 19157 s UT (Konus-Wind, Helicon)
As observed by Konus-Wind, they had durations 0.1-0.5 s, fluences
of ~5 - 7E-6 erg/cm2, and peak fluxes over 8 ms of ~ 3 - 5E-5 erg/cm2 s.
After the initial burst of event 3 (021102 23998 s UT),
a cluster of short bursts was detected during ~10 minutes
(both by Konus-Wind and Helicon).
We have triangulated two of these bursts to annuli centered at:
021102 23998 s UT RA = 357.97, Decl = -4.73 deg,
radius 72.0 +/- 1.2 deg
021104 19157 s UT RA = 14.19, Decl = 1.42 deg,
radius 87.0 +/- 0.5 deg
These annuli pass through SGR1900+14.
Both, Konus-Wind and Helicon detected many SGR-like bursts
on November, 2 in the background mode.
These data confirm that SGR 1900+14 has entered
a new phase of high activity (see also GCNs 1664, 1666).