GCN Circular 16764
GRB 140903A: Preliminary Swift/XRT localization
2014-09-03T17:26:47Z (11 years ago)
Jamie A. Kennea at PSU/Swift-XRT <kennea@swift.psu.edu>
J. A. Kennea (PSU) and J. R. Cummings (NASA/UMBC) report on behalf of the
Swift/XRT Team:
Swift/XRT began observing the position of GRB 140903A at 15:01:29UT,
approximately 59 seconds after the BAT trigger (GCN #16763). In
preliminary data we find an uncatalogued fading source at the following
location: RA/Dec(J2000) = 238.01597, 27.603287, which is equivalent to:
RA(J2000) = 15h 52m 3.83s,
Dec(J2000) = 27d 36m 11.8s,
with an estimated uncertainty of 10 arc-seconds radius (90% confidence).
The light-curve appears to show rapid fading, consistent with this X-ray
source being a GRB afterglow. We will publish an improved position for
this burst when more data become available.