GCN Circular 16773
GRB 140901B found in ground analysis of BAT data
2014-09-04T13:59:36Z (11 years ago)
Jay R. Cummings at NASA/GSFC/Swift <james.r.cummings@nasa.gov>
J. R. Cummings reports on behalf of the Swift science team:
At 06:17:24 Swift-BAT rate-triggered on GRB 140901B (trigger # 611389).
Fermi-GBM also triggered on this event (trigger 431245045). No source
was found onboard. In ground analysis, a significant source was found
at RA, Dec 112.184, -29.209, which is
RA (J2000) 07h 28m 44.2s
Dec (J2000) -29d 12' 31"
with an estimated 90% uncertainty radius of 2.0 arcmin. This location
is 3.0 degrees from the reported GBM location
(http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/other/431245045.fermi), within the GBM error
The background in BAT was high, since Swift was near the SAA. The BAT
lightcurve shows a single FRED peak, with T90 about 10 +- 1 sec.
The BAT spectrum with 10.0 seconds of data is best fit by a simple power-
law function with a photon index of 1.20 +- 0.22. Using this model, the
fluence was (9.5 +- 1.3) x 10^-7 ergs/cm^2. Errors are 90% confidence.
A Swift TOO request has been submitted, but this burst is already 3.5
days old, and moreover is rather close to the Sun.