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GCN Circular 16797

GRB 140907A: redshift from the 10.4m GTC telescope
2014-09-08T08:01:07Z (10 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Astro. de Andalucia <>
A.J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC/ISA-UMA), J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC/UPV-EHU) and
A. Garcia-Rodriguez (GTC-IAC), report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We observed the optical afterglow of GRB 140907A (Krimm et al. GCN 16788;
Kuin et al. GCN 16791; Masi et al. GCN 16792, Kuroda et al. GCN 16793)
with the 10.4m GTC (+OSIRIS). Spectroscopic observations started at
05:29:33 UT (13.4 hours post GRB). Two 500s spectra were obtained with the
R1000B and R1000R grisms, covering the range between 3800 and 9900 A, at a
resolution of ~1000. A preliminary reduction based on archival calibration
lamps, reveals the Mg II doublet plus several Fe II lines at a common
redshift of z = 1.21, which we identify as the redshift of the GRB.
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