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GCN Circular 16820

GRB 140916A: Prompt enhanced Swift-XRT position
2014-09-16T11:25:31Z (10 years ago)
Phil Evans at U of Leicester <>
P.A. Evans (U. Leicester) reports on behalf of the Swift-XRT team:

Using  promptly downlinked XRT event data for GRB 140916A, we find an
enhanced XRT position of the afterglow: RA, Dec: 40.3999, -39.6865
which is equivalent to:
   RA (J2000)  = 02 41 35.98
   Dec (J2000) = -39 41 11.4
with an uncertainty of 2.0 arcseconds (radius, 90% confidence).
Analysis of the promptly available data is online at

Position enhancement is is described by Goad et al. (2007, A&A, 476,
1401) and Evans et al. (2009, MNRAS, 397, 1177).

This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.
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