GCN Circular 16985
GRB 141028A: LCOGTN observations
2014-10-29T11:39:20Z (10 years ago)
Drejc Kopac at Math Phys U,Slovenia <drejc.kopac@fmf.uni-lj.si>
D. Kopac (LJMU), J. Japelj (U. Ljubljana), C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), C.
Mundell (LJMU), S. Dichiara (U. Ferrara), on behalf of a large
collaboration report:
Using the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network (LCOGTN) we
observed the field of Fermi GRB 141028A (Bissaldi et al., GCN 16969;
Roberts, GCN 16971). Optical observations in r' and i' filters (5 x 120s
sequences) were obtained with 1-m telescopes in Sutherland (South
Africa) and Cerro Tololo (Chile).
At the position of the MASTER telescope detection (Gorbovskoy et al.,
GCN 16972) we detect an un-catalogued source, consistent with GROND
(Graham et al., 16977), UVOT (Siegel et al., GCN 16979) and RATIR
detections (Troja et al., GCN 16980). Our preliminary photometry yields:
Mid time from Total Exp Filter Magnitude
trigger (hr) (s)
10.2 600 r' 19.4 +- 0.1
10.6 960 i' 19.3 +- 0.2
14.9 600 i' 19.9 +- 0.2
The magnitudes are calibrated against nearby SDSS stars and are not
corrected for the Galactic foreground extinction. Further observations
with the LCOGTN are scheduled.