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GCN Circular 17052

GRB 141109B: IRAM 30m millimetre observations
2014-11-10T10:16:50Z (10 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Astro. de Andalucia <>
A. J. Castro-Tirado, J. C. Tello (IAA-CSIC Granada), A. Monfardini
(NEEL-CNRS Grenoble), R. Adam, B. Comis (LPSC Grenoble), N. Ponthieu
(Univ. of Grenoble), C. Kramer and I. Hermelo (IRAM Granada), on behalf of
a larger collaboration, report:

Following the detection of GRB 141109B by Swift (Melandri et al. GCNC
17038), observations with the IRAM 30m antenna (+NIKA) at Pico Veleta
(Spain) were triggered on 9 Nov under good conditions but at relatively
low elevation (25 deg). At the position of the X-ray afterglow (Beardmore
et al. GCNC 17045), we detect no mm afterglow (at 150 GHz) down to a
preliminary flux density of 1 mJy (3 sigma) on Nov 9, 20:30 UT (mid time).
We acknowledge excellent assistance from the IRAM observers.
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