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GCN Circular 17076

GRB141121A: BOOTES-2/TELMA upper limit
2014-11-21T06:26:08Z (10 years ago)
Juan Carlos Tello at IAA-CSIC <>
J. C. Tello (IAA-CSIC), J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC, UPV-EHU) and A, J.
Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC, ISA-UMA), on behalf of a larger collaboration,

Following the detection of GRB 141121A by Swift (Lien et al., GCNC 17075),
the 0.6m TELMA robotic telescope at the BOOTES-2 astronomical station
Malaga (Spain), responded to the GRB location in poor weather conditions
(through clouds) starting at 04:01:57 UT (i.e. 11 min postburst). The
co-add of 10 images (i-band) starting at 04:06:03 UT and ending in 04:17:17
UT (i.e. 16-27min post burst) (60s integrations) provides an upper limit of
i > 16.5 for any object within the Swift/XRT error box. Further
observations are planned.
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