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GCN Circular 17082

GRB 141121A: LCO-FTN observations
2014-11-21T12:46:18Z (10 years ago)
Cristiano Guidorzi at Ferrara U,Italy <>
S. Dichiara and C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara) on behalf of
a large collaboration report:

The Las Cumbres Observatory 2-m Faulkes Telescope North in
Hawaii began observing Swift GRB 141121A (Lien et al. GCN
Circ 17075) on November 21 at 10:42:54 UT, i.e. ~6.9 hours
after the BAT trigger, with the r' and i' filters.

We clearly detect the optical afterglow (Tanga et al.
GCN 17078; Perley et al. GCN 17081) with the following

Mid time from  Total Exp   Filter    Magnitude
trigger (hr)   (s)
7.0            120x5       r'        19.62 +- 0.06
7.2            120x5       i'        19.42 +- 0.06

Magnitudes are calibrated against nearby SDSS stars.
Compared with GROND values we note a possible hint
for rebrightening or, in any case, for a very shallow
decay between the two epochs.
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