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GCN Circular 17122

GRB 141130A: Nanshan optical observations
2014-12-01T00:51:28Z (10 years ago)
Dong Xu at DARK/NBI <>
D. Xu (DARK/NBI), T.-Z. Yang, G.-J. Feng, A. Esamdin, L. Ma (XAO) report:

We observed the field of GRB 141130A (Vargas et al., GCN  17120) with
the 1m optical telescope located at Nanshan, Xinjiang, China.
Observations started at 23:36:49 UT on 2014-10-30 (i.e., 1553 s after
the burst) and a series of 120s, 180s, and 360s R-band images were
obtained under some clouds. We detect the optical afterglow at the
UVOT position with R~19.1 mag at the median time of 1982 s post-burst,
calibrated with four nearby SDSS stars (SDSS J145120.41+471920.1, SDSS
J145118.89+471810.3, SDSS J145125.69+471701.0, and SDSS
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