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GCN Circular 17316

GRB 150120B: FTN optical afterglow confirmation
2015-01-20T08:44:28Z (10 years ago)
Cristiano Guidorzi at Ferrara U,Italy <>
C. Guidorzi, S. Dichiara (U. Ferrara), C.G. Mundell (LJMU),
A. Gomboc (U. Ljubljana) on behalf of a larger collaboration report:

The 2-m Faulkes Telescope North began observing Swift GRB150120B
(D'Elia et al. GCN 17314) on Jan 20 at 07:39:45 UT
(~18 minutes after the burst trigger) with SDSS r and i filters.
We clearly detect the optical candidate reported by Perley (GCN
17315), with a magnitude of r=19.21 +- 0.07 calibrated against
nearby USNOB-1 (R1) stars.
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