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GCN Circular 1743

GRB 021201 (short/hard), NOT observations
2002-12-12T23:49:08Z (22 years ago)
Edited On
2024-11-18T10:05:10Z (4 months ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Astro. de Andalucia <>
Edited By
Judith Racusin at NASA/GSFC <> on behalf of Leo P. Singer at NASA/GSFC <>
J. M. Castro Cerón (ROA, San Fernando),
J. Gorosabel and A. J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC, Granada)
C. M. Gutiérrez and M. López-Corredoira (IAC, La Laguna)


"On Dec 4.16 UT we observed the field of the short
/hard GRB 021201 (GCN 1719) with the 2.5-m Nordic 
Optical Telescope (+ALFOSC) at the Observatorio del 
Roque de los Muchachos, in order to monitor the 
entire IPN error box. In the co-added image (5 x 
900-s in the r' Sloan filter with a 2".8 seeing), 
no optical transient is found when comparing to the
DSS-2 (R-band). Particularly, a point-like optical 
source with R about 20.5 is found at coordinates 
RA(2000) = 08 07 49.35, Dec(2000) = +21 12 33.8 
(+/- 0".5); this is within 2" of the Chandra 
source # 10 reported to be inside the IPN error box 
(GCN 1741). Such object is visible in the blue and 
red DSS-2 charts as a very blue source that does 
not seem to be related to the GRB 021201. Further 
observations are planned." 

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