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GCN Circular 1750

GRB 021211, optical observations
2002-12-13T15:53:08Z (22 years ago)
Peter Garnavich at U of Notre Dame <>
B. McLeod (CfA), N. Caldwell, T. Grav, K. Luhman (CfA),
  P. Garnavich (Notre Dame), and K.Z. Stanek (CfA)

We observed the afterglow of GRB 021211 (GCN 1731) with the MMT plus
MiniCam imager beginning Dec. 12.3 (UT) (20.6 hours after the burst).
The afterglow is well detected in B,V,R filters and the
R-band magnitude is estimated to be 23.20+/-0.18 based on
Landolt standards observed the previous night (although
some cirrus was seen on the night the afterglow was observed).
The image is consistent with a point source and is quite blue
compared to stars in the field. The R-band image shows
very faint emission 1" to the northeast of the afterglow
which may be the host galaxy (see GCN 1744). 

The R-band image can be viewed at:

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