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GCN Circular 17638

GRB 150323B : Xinglong TNT upper limit
2015-03-25T07:03:31Z (10 years ago)
L.P. Xin at NAOC <>
L. P. Xin,   X. F. Wang,  J. Y. Wei,  Y. L. Qiu,  J. S. Deng, 
J. Wang,  X. H. Han and C. Wu on behalf of EAFON report:

We began to observe GRB 150323B (Cumming., GCN 17619;  Kienlin., GCN 17623) 
with Xinglong  0.8-m TNT telescope at 2015-03-23, 18:19:24(UT),
about 8.85 hour after the Swift trigger time. 

No any new source was detected in our 10*300sec coadded image 
within the errorbox of BAT (Cumming.,  GCN 17619),
and the errorbox of two uncatalogured X-ray sources (Avanzo et al., 17632)
down to the 3 sigma limit of 21.8 mag in R-band, calibrated by USNO B1.0 R2 mag,
at the mean time of 9.28 hours after the burst. 

We noted that there was a source in USNO B1.0 catalog 
( 17:21:50.446  +38:17:00.13  R2=20.5 mag ),
which was located in the errorbox of the Source 2 (Avanzo et al., 17632),  
but the variation of its brightness was not decided.

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