GCN Circular 17725
Further Swift XRT observations of GRB 150418A
2015-04-20T17:39:18Z (9 years ago)
Boris Sbarufatti at INAF-OAB/IASFPA <boris.sbarufatti@brera.inaf.it>
B. Sbarufatti (INAF-OAB/PSU), L. Hagen (PSU) report on behalf of the Swift team
Swift performed a follow up observation of GRB 150418A, with a pointing in the direction of Source #1 reported by Sbarufatti et al. (GCN Circ. 17722).
In 3.7 ks of exposure we don���t detect any X-ray source down to a 3-sigma upper limit of 9.8 E-3 counts/s in the position of Source 1.
We note that this new observation and the original one are both affected by a higher than usual background, which may have led to spurious detections of background fluctuations as Sources #1 and #2.
No further Swift observations of this field are planned.
This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.