GCN Circular 17747
GRB 150423A: WHT observations
2015-04-24T11:35:37Z (10 years ago)
Klaas Wiersema at U Leicester <kw113@leicester.ac.uk>
K. Wiersema (Leicester), A. Levan (Warwick), N. Tanvir (Leicester), C. MacLeod
(IfA Edinburgh), F. Riddick (ING) report:
We observed the position of GRB 150423A (Pagani et al. GCN 17728) using the
ACAM instrument on the William Herschel Telescope, at La Palma. We obtained
images with 5 x 300 sec exposure time in both sloan g and z bands, starting at
22:30 UT on 23 April 2015. The nearby galaxy (Varela et al. GCN 17732; Perley et
al. GCN 17744) is clearly detected, but the afterglow (Varela et al. GCN 17732)
is not significantly detected, with a 5 sigma limit of g~25.3 (calibrated using
SDSS field objects). A low significance object may be present near the afterglow
position in g band, as well as some faint galaxies, which may be candidate hosts.
See here for an image of the field: