GCN Circular 17801
GRB 150423A: Chandra X-ray Observation
2015-05-03T16:46:10Z (9 years ago)
Edo Berger at Harvard <eberger@cfa.harvard.edu>
E. Berger, R. Margutti (Harvard), and W. Fong (Univ. of Arizona) report:
"We observed the location of the short GRB 150423A (GCN #17728) with the
Chandra X-ray Observatory ACIS-S instrument starting on 2015 May 2.308 UT
for a total of 23.3 ksec. At the location of the optical afterglow (GCNs
#17732, 17733) we detect no significant X-ray emission, and place an upper
limit on the count rate of 1.3e-4 cps (1" radius aperture). Using the
spectral properties determined from the Swift/XRT data (GCN #17737) we
place an upper limit on the flux of the X-ray afterglow at 9.17 days
post-burst of 1.7e-15 erg/s/cm^2 (0.3-10 kev).
We thank Belinda Wilkes, Harvey Tananbaum, and the Chandra X-ray
Observatory staff for approving and carrying out this Director's
Discretionary Time observation."