GCN Circular 18035
GRB 150711A: Burakan-ISON optical observations
2015-07-18T22:00:01Z (10 years ago)
Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow <apozanen@iki.rssi.ru>
E. Mazaeva (IKI), V. Nevskiy (ISON) I. Molotov (KIAM), A. Pozanenko
(IKI) report on behalf of larger GRB follow-up collaboration:
We observed the field of GRB 150711A (Bernardini et al. GCN 18011) with
the 40 cm telescope of Burakan-ISON observatory starting on Jul., 11
(UT) 18:36:16, i.e. ~13 min after burst trigger. We obtained several
unfiltered images. In a combined image we do not detect any source
within the XRT error box (Osborne et al. GCN 18012) down to a limiting
magnitude of R = 16.9
Date UT start t-T0 Filter Exp. OT UL(3 sigma)
(mid, days) (s)
2015-07-11 18:36:16 0.01250 none 9*60 n/d 16.9
The photometry is based on nearby USNO-B1.0 stars.