GCN Circular 1828
Publicizing GRB Discoveries - A Message from NASA HQ
2003-01-17T15:55:02Z (22 years ago)
Nick White at NASA/HQ/GSFC <nwhite@lheapop.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Publicizing GRB Discoveries - A Message from NASA HQ
We would like to remind the gamma ray burst community that NASA HQ
has an effective mechanism for disseminating science stories to the
press via Space Science Updates and press releases. The Space Science
Updates are press conferences held at NASA HQ reserved for the most
exciting and high impact new results related to NASA Space Science
Missions. These invariably result in broad coverage for the science
result in the press and on TV.
To effectively use this mechanism and maximize the coverage of new
Gamma Ray burst discoveries NASA HQ needs to be aware of any
"breaking news". Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind, to help
us, help you maximize the impact of the exciting new science from
Gamma ray bursts:
- If you believe you have an exciting result, please contact us at
NASA HQ as soon as possible (see the contact names given below).
- Continue to use the GCN as you do today, but please also contact HQ
if you believe your GCN posting is newsworthy. While we do monitor
the GCN, it is easy to miss the key notice when many are generated by
an exciting new burst.
- When you submit what may be a newsworthy paper, please also send a
copy to us at NASA HQ. We will evaluate whether it can be used for a
press release, or a Space Science Update. We will respect the
confidentiality of the results and quickly comment on whether the
paper is newsworthy.
- Do NOT post the paper onto the preprint servers until we have had
time to comment on the news potential of the result. Once a paper is
posted, it becomes old news and it is difficult to use that result
for a Space Science Update.
If your result has news potential we will rapidly arrange a Space
Science Update or press release to help publicize the results, and
give you further information on what needs to be done.
Please do not hesitate to contact one or all of us if you have a
potential story or any questions. We also welcome suggestions as to
how to maximize the coverage of these events.
The contact information is:
Nicholas White, nicholas.e.white@nasa.gov, 202-358-0357
Don Kniffen, dkniffen@hq.nasa.gov, 202-358-0351
Paul Hertz, paul.hertz@hq.nasa.gov, 202-358-0986