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GCN Circular 18361

LIGO/Virgo G184098: optical transient search with Kiso Schmidt telescope and KWFC on behalf of J-GEM collaboration
2015-09-24T01:38:06Z (9 years ago)
Tomoki Morokuma at U.TokyoJ-GEM <>
Tomoki Morokuma (The University of Tokyo), Masaomi Tanaka (National
Astronomical Observatory of Japan), Michitoshi Yoshida, Koji S.
Kawabata, Yousuke Utsumi (Hiroshima University), Mamoru Doi, Kentaro
Motohara, Yoichi Tamura (The University of Tokyo), Fumio Abe (Nagoya
University), Kenta Fujisawa (Yamaguchi University), Nobuyuki Kawai
(Tokyo Tech), Koji Ohta (Kyoto University), and Kenshi Yanagisawa
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) on behalf of J-GEM

We report optical imaging follow-up observations for a part of the
northern skymap regions of G184098 with 1.05-m Kiso Schmidt telescope
and its 2.2 deg x 2.2 deg field-of-view camera, Kiso Wide Field Camera
(KWFC; Sako et al. 2012, SPIE, 8446, 84466L).

We took 180-sec exposure images in i-band for 5 fields as below (about
24 deg2 in total).

RA(J2000)   Dec(J2000)  starting UTC
09:05:35.52 +10:27:00.0 2015-09-17 19:07:34
09:14:32.16 +10:27:00.0 2015-09-17 19:13:09
09:23:28.80 +10:27:00.0 2015-09-17 19:18:31
09:32:25.44 +10:27:00.0 2015-09-17 19:23:54
09:41:22.08 +10:27:00.0 2015-09-17 19:36:01

The 5-sigma limiting magnitudes (AB) are 18.8 mag and 16.2 mag in the
first four exposures and the last exposure, respectively. The data
reduction and transient finding with image subtraction were performed
with the pipeline developed for Kiso Supernova Survey (KISS) as
described in Morokuma et al. (2014, PASJ, 66, 114). The SDSS i-band data
was used as reference images for the subtraction. We do not find any
transients which are likely associated with external galaxies.
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