GCN Circular 18473
LIGO/Virgo G194575 : La Silla - QUEST followup
2015-10-26T15:16:06Z (9 years ago)
David Rabinowitz at Yale U <david.rabinowitz@yale.edu>
D. Rabinowitz, C. Baltay, N. Ellman, E. Woodward (Yale), P. Nugent (LBNL)
The La Silla-QUEST survey operating the 10-sq-deg QUEST camera on the 1.0m ESO Schmidt at La Silla, Chile searched the following ~250 sq. deg area centered on the lobe of the ~90% confidence area of LVC event G19457 near at 1 h RA.
RA 0.3 to 1.4 h;. Dec -4.5 to + 10.0 deg
One new source (not appearing in deep reference images taken ~1 yr previously) has been detected with high confidence near the center of the LSQ area coverage :
LSQ Desig V-mag hh:mm:ss dd:mm:ss
LSQ15bjb 18.2 00:11:27.60 -06:25:38.28
LSQ15bjb appears 0.2 arcmin north of GALEXASC J001127.51-062549.8. Observations made 2015 Oct 23 and 24 (V mag 18.7 on JD 2457318.64 and 18.2 mag on JD 2457319.63) indicate at rapidly brightening intensity (by factor ~1.5 per day).
Followup observations are strongly encouraged.