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GCN Circular 1848

GRB 030115, late-time optical observations
2003-02-03T16:42:29Z (22 years ago)
Peter Garnavich at U of Notre Dame <>
P. Garnavich (University of Notre Dame)

The field of GRB 030115 (HETE 2533) was imaged with the
3.5m WIYN telescope on 2003 Jan. 29.4 (UT). Five R-band
images of 600s each were combined with an average seeing
of 0.9". At the position of the IR transient reported by
Levan et al. (GCN 1818) and Vrba et al. (GCN 1822) there
is a faint source which is probably the host galaxy. If
the USNO catalog star 14" west has R=18.8, then the brightness
of the host is R=24.5 mag. Another galaxy 1.3" east
appears nearly blended with the host. An image is available
at .

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