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GCN Circular 1849

GRB 030131: afterglow candidate
2003-02-03T19:41:56Z (22 years ago)
Arto Oksanen at Nyrola Obs., Finland <>
A. Oksanen (Jyvaskylan Sirius ry) reports on behalf of Nyrola
Observatory GRB-team and AAVSO International GRB Network:

A 24' x 16 arcmin field covering the corrected INTEGRAL error circle of GRB
030131 (GCN 1848) was imaged with the 0.4m SCT at the Nyrola Observatory
starting at February 1, 2003 03:49 UT, 20 hours after the burst. The 19
x 180s Rc-exposures were sigma reject combined and compared to the
Digitized Sky Survey (DSS2R) and one faint (R=20.5) new object was found
near the image limit. 
The position of the suspect is:

   13:28:28.46   +30:42:05.4     J2000

using the USNO-A2.0 reference catalog. 

The combined image may contain some processing artifacts so the
confidence that the suspect is a GRB OT is not very high. The FITS
frame and a JPEG picture showing the corrected error circle plus the
suspect OT are available on:

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