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GCN Circular 18549

LIGO/Virgo G194575: LT Spectroscopy of iPTF candidates
2015-11-01T09:55:02Z (9 years ago)
Iain Steele at Liverpool/JMU <>
I.A. Steele, C.M. Copperwheat, A. S. Piascik (Liverpool JMU) report on behalf of
a larger collaboration:

Observations of 7 of the proposed iPTF candidates (GCN 18497) using the��
SPRAT spectrograph of the 2.0 metre Liverpool Telescope (La Palma)��have been obtained. ��
The spectral ��resolution was R~350 and the wavelength range 4000 - 8000 Angstroms.

iPTF-15dln was observed��on 2015-10-28 at 00:24UT. ��The transient can not be obviously��
distinguished��from the host��galaxy in our acquisition images. ��Our spectrum shows��absorption��
lines of the host galaxy with��redshift z=0.051.

iPTF-15dkk was observed��on 2015-10-28 at 20:34UT. ��The transient can not be obviously��
distinguished��from the host��galaxy in our��acquisition images. ��Our spectrum shows��absorption��
lines of the host galaxy with��redshift z=0.061.

iPTF-15dkn was observed��on 2015-10-28 at 21:09UT. ��The transient can not be distinguished
from the host��galaxy in our��acquisition images.�� Our spectrum shows��absorption lines of the��
host galaxy with��redshift z=0.074.

iPTF-15dkm was observed��on 2015-10-28 at 21:41UT. ��Our spectrum shows broad H-alpha��
emission and is consistent with a Supernova as reported in GCN 18536. ��

iPTF-15dmn was observed��on 2015-10-28 at 22:15UT. ��Our spectrum shows narrow emission��
line features typical of an AGN at redshift z=0.056.

iPTF-15dni was observed��on 2015-10-28 at 23:08UT. ��The spectrum shows��weak H-alpha emission��
and typical galaxy absorption lines. ��Both the H-alpha emission and the absorption spectra��have��
redshift z=0.020.

iPTF-15dnh was observed��on 2015-10-29 at 01:16UT. ��The transient can not be obviously��
distinguished��from the host��galaxy in our��acquisition images. ��Our spectrum shows��absorption��
lines of the host galaxy with��redshift z=0.056.

Further��analysis is ongoing.

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