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GCN Circular 1861

GRB 030204: Optical Observations
2003-02-07T18:25:09Z (22 years ago)
Melissa Nysewander at UNC,Chapel Hill <>
M. Nysewander (U. North Carolina), A. Henden (USRA/USNO), M.
Lopez-Morales, D. Reichart (U. North Carolina), and M. Schwartz (Tenagra
Observatories) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We observed the entire ~73 square arcminute error box of GRB 030204 (GCN
1854) beginning 11.5 hours after the burst (GCNs 1856, 1858) in BVRcIc and
beginning 38.2 hours after the burst in Rc.  Using the field calibration of
Henden (GCN 1860), we report the following 3-sigma limiting magnitudes:

Date      Mean Time   Filter  Integration  Limiting   Telescope*
           Since GRB           Time (sec)   Magnitude
           (hours)             x Pointings
Feb 5.011  11.5       Rc      1500 x 3       20.0     0.6-meter MO
Feb 5.042  12.2       Ic      3600 x 1       19.3     0.2-meter PST
Feb 5.108  13.8       Rc      900 x 2        21.5     1.0-meter USNO
Feb 5.133  14.4       B       480 x 2        22.0     1.0-meter USNO
Feb 5.133  14.4       V       300 x 2        21.7     1.0-meter USNO
Feb 6.122  38.2       Rc      1800 x 2       22.9     1.0-meter USNO
Feb 6.124  38.2       Rc      2700 x 2       21.7     0.8-meter TII

*MO = Morehead Observatory telescope; PST = Pisgah Survey Telescope at the
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI); TII = Tenagra II telescope.

Using the image subtraction routine ISIS2 (Alard 2000), we find no
transient sources in either of our Rc images of February 4th when compared
to either of our Rc images of February 5th.

Alard, C. 2000, A&AS 114, 363
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