GCN Circular 18729
LIGO/Virgo G211117: MASTER possible OT detection at the begining of inspection
2015-12-27T23:04:02Z (9 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <lipunov2007@gmail.com>
V. Lipunov, E. Gorbovskoy, N.Tyurina, V.Kornilov, P.Balanutsa, A.Kuznetsov,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sternberg Astronomical Institute
South African Astronomical Observatory
MASTER OT J020906.21+013800.1 - possible OT in PGC Galaxy.
MASTER-SAAO auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 02h
09m 06.21s +01d 38m 00.1s on 2015-12-27.85448 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 18.3m (limit 20.0m).
The OT is seen in 6 images. There is no minor planet at this place.
There is PGC1200980 galaxy (it seems spiral galaxy and distance about 100
Mpc) very close to OT. The OT offset are 4.3E 1.5S arcsec.
We have reference image without OT on 2015-06-07.17962 UT with unfiltered
magnitude limit 18.9m.
Spectral observations are required.
The discovery and reference images are available at:
This circular can be cited.
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The Principal Investigator of MASTER Global Robotic Net
Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University Physics Department,
The Head of Space monitoring laboratory of Sternberg Astronomical Institute
of Lomonosov MSU