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GCN Circular 18768

LIGO/Virgo G211117: MASTER Observations of the 3 iPTF candidates
2015-12-30T11:11:02Z (9 years ago)
Vladimir Lipunov at Moscow State U/Krylov Obs <>
V. Lipunov, N.Tyurina
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Sternberg Astronomical Institute

After MASTER DataBase checking we found:

iPTF15fev  -   Known old  SN ASAS15rw MASTER-IAC Light Curve

iPTF15fel -  2015-12-16 23:07:20   visible in MASTER-IAC   PSN detected 10 
days  before G211117

iPTF15ffm  -  observed by MASTER-IAC from 2015-11-15 22:14:53.869 so >40 
days before trigger

The reduction is continuated.

The delay  is connected with yang age of the MASTER-IAC 
survey (started June 2015). So we lost time to transfere parts of 
DATABase from Russia to IAC telescope.
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